Aloe Vera - one of the oldest known medicinal plants
Wellness for the whole body
Die Aloe Vera, Latin aloe barbadensis miller, looks like a cactus but belongs to the lily family. It is one of the oldest known medicinal plants and grows in the arid and semi-arid regions of Africa, Central and South America. The gel like inside of the leaf, which can store water and nutrients for long periods of drought, was already used by advanced civilisations to maintain beauty and well-being. Of the more than 300 types of aloe, „Aloe barbadensis miller“ has the best properties for our skin and human organism.
Taken as a juice, aloe vera activates our entire organism.
The main active ingredient is a long-chain type of sugar, mucopolysaccharid acemannan. In addition to the active ingredient acemannan, there are other valuable ingredients in the aloe vera plant. Above all, there are numerous minerals, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins.
Aloe vera has been part of natural pharmacy for centuries in India and many countries in Central America.
Due to its extensive properties, aloe vera has also been known as the “first aid plant” in the past.
Researchers have repeatedly discovered new properties of the plant over the past 50 years which have a positive effect on our entire organism.
Frequently asked questions about Aloe Vera
Tradition of Aloe Vera, Origin, Effects, Aloe Vera Juice and Aloe Vera Gel
Tradition of the Aloe Vera plant
The healing power of aloe vera has been known since time immemorial. We do not know exactly how long, but great names - such as Cleopatra, who treated her skin with it, Alexander the Great, who possibly treated wounds with it, or Columbus - already appreciated the valuable plant. In some cultures, it is even worshipped as a healer. In Mexico - the most important cultivation area - the leaves are fixed above the house entrance because they supposedly drive away diseases.
Origin of the raw material
The aloe probably originated on the Arabian peninsula and takes its name from the Arabic alloeh. Today, it is mainly cultivated in subtropical and tropical regions such as Africa, South America, the Caribbean, India, China and South Africa. Mexico is one of the most important main cultivation areas.
Leaf toxins in aloe vera
Only the leaf gel is used in the production of our aloe vera products, not the whole leaf or the leaf bark, which contains aloin, which is considered toxic.
Effects of the Aloe Vera Juice
Scientists have been able to identify more than 200 active substances in the aloe vera plant, which in their unique combination have an amazing effect:
Mono- and polysaccharides, these have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal (fungus-inhibiting), stimulating effect on the immune system and aid digestion. Acemannan - the main active ingredient of aloe vera, is produced in the human body until puberty. After that, it must be supplied with food. Acemannan strengthens the white blood cells and the immune system. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and cleanses the intestines by keeping dangerous yeast fungi in check. In addition, acemannan strengthens our tendons, ligaments, joints and cartilage and can thus prevent wear and tear diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis.
Aloe vera juice for slimming
The juice is becoming increasingly popular as a slimming drink. Aloe vera juice has a stimulating effect on the metabolism and the breakdown of fat. It also stimulates digestion - a good prerequisite for cleansing the body from the inside. In combination with an overall package of healthy nutrition, physical exercise and a positive attitude to life, aloe vera juice helps as a booster for weight reduction.
How is it guaranteed at AMAZONAS that the gel is cleanly separated?
Although many larger companies have meanwhile switched to machine processing, this time-consuming filleting is still done by hand at our suppliers. This ensures that all leaf components that could contain the bitter substance aloin are actually completely removed. The inside of the leaf, which contains the aloin gel, is finally spread out on a work surface and sorted. Only the best pieces go into a modern stainless steel press to extract the juice.
Mixing aloe vera juice with other juices, use in a smoothie
Aloe vera can also be mixed with other juices without hesitation, such as in smoothies or the breakfast orange juice.
Aloe vera gel as an anti-aging remedy
As a versatile multi-talent, aloe vera gel is also an effective anti-ageing agent. The secondary active ingredients contained in the plant support collagen formation in the skin, making it noticeably more elastic and thus slowing down the formation of wrinkles.
Effects of Aloe Vera Gel (for skin, peeling, hair treatment)
AMAZONAS Aloe Vera Gel is an indispensable companion for daily facial care. Dry skin tends to become inflamed, flaky and unpleasantly itchy. Aloe Vera Gel moisturises the skin and not only relieves discomfort, but also prevents it.
Hair treatment:
Regular aloe gel packs on the scalp prevent dehydration. A handful of gel in the hair revitalises it and strengthens the hair structure.
Daily facial care gets a valuable moisture boost from aloe gel.
After sunbathing:
Aloe vera gel helps to soothe redness and cool the skin.
According to a study by Dr. Julia Stump of the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg, 40 test persons had previously irradiated areas of their bodies treated with either aloe gel or a commercially available hydrocortisone cream. Aloe vera gel clearly confirmed its beneficial effect here. Since aloe vera gel promotes cell proliferation, it can also accelerate the healing process in severe burns.
Sources of supply
We obtain our Aloe Vera from Mexico, Tamaulipas region.