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Lucuma – Sweet fruit of the Incas: Our Lucuma comes from Oxapampa

Lucuma - ideal for sweetening and neutralising

Lucuma powder from Peru - The Sweet Fruit of the Inca

Our Lucuma comes from Oxapampa, an area which lies at 2000m in the Peruvian Andes mountains. The Lucuma tree, which can reach heights of 20 metres, was already being cultivated before the 13th century and is known as the “Gold of the Incas“.

Lucuma fruit itself is recognisable by its brown skin and intensive yellow fruit pulp with its two relatively large stones. It is about the size of an orange and tastes like mango.

ORGANIC Lucuma powder is ideal in drinks, tablets and smoothies due to its light sweetness, neutralises strong and bitter tastes and is filling.


Unser Lucuma stammt aus Peru (Provinz Oxapampa, Anden).

Important information about our natural products from Asia

More and more products from Asia and India are being offered on the European Markets as so called high quality organic. Sadly however, what the documents and analyses states does not always conform to the values determined by the laboratories which also carry counter-analyses. There have already been product recalls due to excessive levels of heavy metals or pesticides. In another case, the alleged organic goods had to be re-declared as conventional due to excessive pollution.

This applies to us

Demanding customers must be able to rely on compliance with quality standards. Quality comes at a price.

Our promise

  • Careful analysis by European laboratories
  • Comprehensible documentation
  • Special analyses (such as nutritional values, vitamins, etc)
  • Close cooperation with suppliers
  • Continuous process optimisation in the production chain (e.g. improved drying, ventilation system etc.)
  • Sustainability
  • Fairtrade guidelines
  • Individual customer care

We look forward to a good and trusting cooperation, your AMAZONAS Team.