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Lapacho Production, Lapacho Tea from the valuable inner bark

Lapacho bark tea production and producers

Our bark teas are all produced using the same production method

After peeling the bark from the trunk, the outer bark parts are separated by our producers from the valuable inner bark which is then stored in a dark, dry room.

Samples are then tested in the laboratory for a first analysis. After passing the quality control the bark is then freed of bits of leaves, dust and earth in a sort of wind tunnel. The air cleaned pieces of bark are then cut into the appropriate sizes depending on the wishes of the customers. A vibrating sieve then gets rid of the last dust and any powder accrued from cutting the bark.

There is a last laboratory analysis before the tea is put in special jute bags, given a batch number and finally released for shipment.


We obtain our Lapacho from the Amazon region in Brazil.

Lapacho Rohstoffe direkt vom Erzeuger - faire Preise unterstützen die Farmer


We buy our raw products direct from the producers, pay fair prices and support the farmers.

Please contact us if you have any questions,
your AMAZONAS Team.